L’Esperienza degustativa nasce dal sacro intreccio tra la passione per l’arte culinaria e la genuinità dell’alimento naturale. La creatività del piatto, l’equilibrio tra i sapori, il genio della combinazione degli elementi, l’odore ed il gusto: sii tu stesso l’anima dei nostri piatti. Non porre limiti alle tue papille gustative sii protagonista del gusto e lasciati sorprendere.
“Freehand Chef”
Let yourself be surprised by the style and taste of the local tradition.
(Menu valid for all diners)
Eggplant Parmigiana with Corbarino Tomato and basil (1-3-7-12)
Selection of local cured meats with buffalo mozzarella, Cheeses with honey and jam (1-8-12-7)
Citrus gel and toasted almond (2-8-12-14)
Caprese style Stuffed Ravioli (3-1-7-12)
An alternative menu is available to our kind customers.
Upon request, it is possible to consult the specific documentation that will be provided by the staff on duty.
We cannot guarantee the total absence of traces of these allergens in all our dishes and drinks.
Information on Food Allergies: Some dishes and drinks may contain one or more of the 14 allergens indicated by Regulation (EU) No. 1169/2011. Allergens and their derivatives are: